TOP-5 Reasons why thrush is common in women

Each side severe itching, white patches onto the skin with the external genitalia and abundant secretions resembling cheese, is just not uncommon for the large percentage of girls and women. Bacteria are the simplest also to an inferior extent fungi, inhabiting the skin, mucous membranes and many body organs of individual, making a significant contribution on their normal functioning.

Under certain conditions, the balance between “beneficial” microorganisms and those that can provoke the illness. In this case, the woman person is most susceptible to the development of thrush. The possibility of possible infection coming from a sexual partner who is ill or a carrier of candidiasis isn’t excluded.

In addition, thrush occurs in intestinal dysbiosis, during pregnancy, as a result of presence of concomitant inflammatory diseases with the obese individuals. Often accompanies periods before or after menstruation, and is an intercurrent disease in HIV, oncology, etc.

Current factors behind candidiasis

Consider in more detail the commonest factors behind frequent thrush:

1. Irrational therapy.
2. Immunodeficiency.
3. Taking certain medications.
4. Prolonged vaginal dysbiosis.
5. Disorders from the hormonal damaging the reproductive system.

Irrational therapy

You will need to realize that improper or quite short treatment of an earlier episode of thrush can provoke the roll-out of a chronic form seen as a frequent relapses. When the treatment of genital candidiasis is founded on the usage of only local antifungal drugs, complete reduction of the pathogen from your vaginal cavity is just not achieved, which might later manifest itself within the recovery of symptoms.


You are able to that whenever the immune system is impaired, the human body cannot fight infection, including fungal etiology. Low resistance is observed with HIV or AIDS, and also in congenital immunodeficiencies (Bruton’s, Louis-Barr’s disease, Dee-Georgie’s syndrome, etc.), endocrine and systemic pathology, and many other chronic diseases.

As an example, diabetes always results in a weak humoral disease fighting capability, that makes people at risk of infections because of reduced production of gamma globulin. Probably, it is not surprising that in patients with diabetes purulent skin diseases may be common, wounds do not heal over time, which sometimes results in dry gangrene and amputation, respectively. With the result that yeast-like fungi “willingly” are activated in this conditions.

Taking certain medications

Prolonged treatment with systemic antibacterial drugs causes persistent dysbacteriosis in the intestines and vaginal cavity, as it destroys not only pathogenic and also beneficial bacteria.

Vaginal dysbiosis

Within the normal microbiota in the vagina is a bit more represented by lacto – and bifidobacteria, which because of the production of lactic acid maintain optimal pH, protect the mucous membrane and get a new normal functioning of certain organs from the genital system.

When dysbiosis occurs, the connection between lactobacilli and pathogenic microorganisms is disrupted, the increase of saprophytic fungi increases, the walls with the vagina become unprotected from your results of mechanical factors as well as other infections.

Hormonal imbalance

Consuming hormones in the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and ovaries is the maturation from the mucous membrane of the vagina and uterus, the regulating the menstrual period and the normal functioning from the bodily organs with the reproductive system of girls.

Also, medical scientists have proven that an more than estrogen hormones contributes to anatomical and functional modifications in the inner lining of the vaginal cavity. This creates favorable conditions for your activity of candidiasis.

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