What Is It Comparable to Have Intercourse With A Horse?

Bizarrely when I opened Udo Andre’s answer from notifications, I didn’t increase the risk for obvious sexual connection until about para 5 !

I’m guessing it’s because there is an incredibly old and overweight heavy draught horse, by the name of Magic, in a field a few miles from us. We’d feed him the odd apple or carrot if we saw him. He was notoriously grumpy and kept his distance through the locked access gate.

Whenever we first took our eldest and emotionally damaged ‘granddaughter’, there were the gravest misgivings whilst walked straight away to her and eat from her hand.

His owner first saw her feeding him and, although worried, (and with great care), allowed her to enter his field. But he stood stock still and permit her to groom him with your ex hands. She eventually gave him a huge spread arms hug and stayed like that for ages. The master was incredulous as Magic was a rescue and contains an incredibly bad temper having broken her arm and bitten her several times! He’s a substantial horse. He towers above her which has a girth that belies belief. My granddaughter is merely 5ft 2in, he or she is Much taller, using a back which is as wide as a possible armchair!

Four years later, whenever she goes to see him, he literally gallopes up to her, seemingly making the floor shake, and waits whilst she gives him huge hugs (well she spreads her arms wide apart wanting to cuddle him round his neck but they don’t even go halfway round), then scratches him across as far as she will reach; since that time we’ve been back often to speak and cuddle him.

He never moves until she says goodbye and kisses his nose. She says she just thinks lovely thoughts about them and “knows he understands”. Which is intercourse using a horse in the real sense.

Concerning sexual activity between horses and humans. Easily remember correctly, it apparently was a serious crowd pleaser in the later Roman Games, I wasn’t around in those heady days but read “Those Going to Die” by Daniel Mannix . Prostitutes or other woman criminals were shackled by a wooden horse’s tail and also the stallion let in to enjoy himself. Just how long the lady survived was the main topic of intense betting. Their gambling was well organised and efficient. It was much more of an attraction than “water boarding”, the place where a woman was force feed water with the gallon then this board placed across her stomach to transport brave men until she broke. Gambling has lost a great deal of followers since those heady days !!!

More information about horse sex please visit site: read this.

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