Monthly archives: January, 2018

Secure Password Applications and 2 Factor Authentication (2FA)

Remembering passwords which some important applications enforce to become changed no less than every three months could be a nuisance, sometimes causing people using ‘abcd1234’ for everything online. Creating and recalling effectively strong passwords for each and every website you visit can be a daunting task. Password managers are wonderful tools given that they don’t …

Secure Password Applications and a pair of Factor Authentication (2FA)

Remembering passwords which some important applications enforce to be changed no less than every 3 months can be quite a nuisance, sometimes resulting in people using ‘abcd1234’ for everything online. Creating and recalling effectively strong passwords for each website you visit could be a daunting task. Password managers are wonderful tools simply because they don’t …

Secure Password Applications and a pair of Factor Authentication (2FA)

Remembering passwords which some important applications enforce to be changed at least every 90 days can be a nuisance, sometimes causing people using ‘abcd1234’ for everything online. Creating and recalling effectively strong passwords for each and every website you visit can be a daunting task. Password managers are wonderful tools since they don’t only eliminate …

Secure Password Applications and 2 Factor Authentication (2FA)

Remembering passwords which some important applications enforce being changed no less than every three months can be a nuisance, sometimes causing people using ‘abcd1234’ for everything online. Creating and recalling effectively strong passwords for each and every website you visit could be a daunting task. Password managers are wonderful tools simply because they don’t only …

Simple Steps to GDPR Compliance

Using the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) looming, you could be one of the numerous now frantically assessing business processes and systems to make sure you don’t fall foul from the new Regulation come implementation in May 2018. Even if you’ve been spared working on a primary compliance project, any new initiative within your …

Basic steps to GDPR Compliance

With the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) looming, you could be one of the many now frantically assessing business processes and systems to make sure you don’t fall foul of the new Regulation come implementation in May 2018. Even when you have been spared working on a direct compliance project, any new initiative inside …

Basic steps to GDPR Compliance

With all the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) looming, you may well be one of the numerous now frantically assessing business processes and systems to ensure that you don’t fall foul with the new Regulation come implementation in May 2018. Even if you are spared focusing on an immediate compliance project, any new initiative …

Easy steps to GDPR Compliance

With the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) looming, you could be one of the many now frantically assessing business processes and systems to ensure you don’t fall foul with the new Regulation come implementation in May 2018. Even when you’ve been spared taking care of a direct compliance project, any new initiative in your …