The sun’s rays, moon and stars are under God’s control in answer to prayer. Rain, sunshine and drought obey His will. Fire and hail, snow and vapor, stormy wind fulfilling his word. Disease and health are controlled by Him. All, my way through heaven and earth are absolutely under the power over Him who made heaven and earth, and who governs as much as possible according to His very own will.
We aren’t developed for ourselves, but also for God – not for service for God, but also for God. In the end, whatever God may appoint, prayer will be the best part. Oh, i could be a man of prayer! Love is kindled in a flame, and ardency is its life. Flame will be the air which true Christian experience breathes. It eats fire; it might withstand anything instead of a feeble flame; however, if the surrounding atmosphere is frigid or lukewarm, it dies, chilled and starved towards the vitals. True prayer Should be aflame. Revival and evangelism, although closely linked, aren’t to be confused. Revival can be an experience with the Church; evangelism can be an expression in the Apostolic Church Fort Myers. Apostolic preaching isn’t marked by its beautiful diction, or literary polish, or cleverness of expression, but are operating in type of the Spirit and of power. No man is ever fully accepted until he has, for starters, been utterly rejected. The sole saving faith is that which casts itself on God for lifetime or death. Tearless hearts can never function as heralds in the Passion. God’s cause is dedicated to men; God commits Himself to men. Praying men are the vice-regents of God; they are doing His work and execute His plans. Prayer will be the acid test of devotion. It is well to remove the concept that faith is often a few spiritual heroism simply for a few select spirits. You will find heroes of faith, but faith isn’t just for heroes. This is a few spiritual manhood. This is a few maturity. Revival arises from heaven when heroic souls enter in the conflict determined to win or die – or if you need to, to win and die!
What are Christians placed into the entire world for except to complete the impossible from the strength of God. Each of the resources in the Godhead are in our disposal! Prayer and Pains, through faith in Jesus Christ can do anything. God loves with a great love he whose heart is full of a desire for the impossible. These are challenging sentences which we are able to use to inspire and motivate us in the future before almighty God in fervent prayer. If that is all they are doing, they’ll have achieved an excellent purpose, because from prayer will flow fruit, of which we have little idea at this present time.
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