Research and Development Tax Relief
The standard approach to claiming has typically attended build relationships with an expert organisation, meet one on one and work collaboratively to submit an incident to HMRC.
Nothing but good so far, except that:
It’s not usually the best or effective use of everyone’s time;
With development timescales to meet and client SLAs to take into account it isn’t always possible for a claimant’s representatives to commit to meeting in a place along with a time without the probability of last-minute changes, or worse still, non-productive meetings or outcomes;
Considering that technical input is usually required from many people in the expansion team, making certain these people are all available at a certain time gives a further challenge;
Although often well-deserved, the specialist uk r&d tax credit organizations are doing very well out of your fees they are charging;
Finally we discovered, almost by chance, that numerous clients preferred a far more ‘hands-off’ approach anyway, permitting them to do things in their own time and at their own pace;
Hence at Easy R&D we made a decision to create a fresh approach that gives a better solution for all.
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